Mittwoch, 27. März 2013

Entrepreneurs at three oceans

Where the three oceans meet

After last weekends long and exhausting train trip, we have an exciting surprise: We are taken to Kanyakumari at the tip of Southern India, where it is possible to see three waters merging: The Gulf of Bangawal, the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea. But again, it is a 3 to 4 hours trip from our temporary home at Trivandrum city, where the study tour programme continues.
On Monday we are visiting the local technology park and business incubator. This place is full of international technology business centers and successful start up innovators grown by the technology incubator inside the technology park. The size is amazing: the facilities are spread on an area of more than 70 hectares.
The next stop of our study visit is Coimbatore, which means that we have to take another 8 hours train trip and change from Kerala to Tamil Nadu state.

Maybe, you T-shirt was produced on this machine?
 In Coimbatore city there is a very famous entrepreneurial institution created 100 years ago focusing only on the same town. At the moment it hosts 28 national and international business enterprises. But it also has an IT technology incubator inside with 32 companies and also started Nano technology incubation. One of the 28 institutions is a textile factory, located a little bit far from the center of the city.
The factory is producing the best standard clothes for the European market. As I have experiences in other textile factories, the machines I see there are small and simple but obviously doing best quality to standards.
After visiting some places of tourist attraction we leave on Friday to Bangalore – another 8 hours train trip. Bangalore is cooler than other cities visited in the west and south of the country. We spend the weekend on more informal visits to know the culture and religion of the local people. I enjoy getting to know so many different new people and understand more about how they live their life.

Entrepreneurs becoming tourists
Are Ethiopians tall or Indians small?

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